5 Things that will Hinder V (2009) from Succeeding


With the premiere of V (2009) first episode, five points have become pronounced that could hinder the success and longevity of the show. V (2009), when compared with its 1980’s incarnation is both smarter and less entertaining all at the same time than its previous version. Its smarter because The Visitors infiltrated human society decades before revealing themselves to the world. V (2009) is less entertaining because within the first episode, audiences found out the following.

1.) The Visitors primary secret was revealed too soon.

What was so cool about the V mini series was that news reporters and scientists used deduction to figure out The Visitors. The behavior of the The Visitors during certain situations was noted and a theory of evolution for The Visitors was even proposed (a parallel to our evolution and the dinosaurs). In V (2009), audiences found out they were reptilian underneath their human skin in the first episode.

2.) Unmodulated Visitor Voices and no protective eye wear.

Unnecessary now, especially for the current espionage plot, but it made hearing The Vistors speak cool and unusual in past incarnations of the show. It also made you question what was wrong with their eyes and what were the light conditions where they came from.

3.) No backlash against human scientists.

The Visitors feared scientists discovering what they were and began a smear campaign against them in the previous V series. Seeing how human society was manipulated and turned against scientists was one of the best aspects of 1983’s V. That subplot is not present in V (2009).

4.) No parallels with previous events in human culture.

In the previous version, there was a parallel with living in an occupied country,  the Nazi regime, and conformism. In V (2009), what you see is what you get. There does dwell in a few of the characters the famous quote: “If its too good to be true, it probably is.” Who knows if that is enough sub-text to bolster the V (2009) outside of its main plot line though.

5.) We do not see The Resistance form as organically as in 1983’s V mini-series.

In the previous series, at first it was just scientists gathering together for mutually safety and security which then grew into a need to gather information. That grew in the desire to fight back when the truth about what The Visitors really were and what they were doing was revealed.

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