ABSENTIA (2011) Movie Trailer: Mike Flanagan, Katie Parker, Courtney Bell

Katie Parker, Absentia

The Absentia Movie Trailer has premiered. Mike Flanagan‘s Absentia (2011) stars Katie Parker, Courtney Bell, Dave Levine. Absentia plot synopsis: “Absentia tells the story of a woman whose husband has been missing for seven years, and she must now face the grim realities of declaring him “dead in absentia.” With the help of her sister and a sympathetic detective she tries to move on with her life. But all is not what it seems to be, and disappearance does not equal death.” That fact that the police eventually start to suspect Katie Parker’s character of having some hand in the disappearances adds a twist to what could be a hackneyed horror film. Why she would “disappear” people is an issue though. Check out the Absentia movie trailer below and leave your thoughts on it. Absentia opens some time in 2011.

[youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdNUPF-vK4I 500 430]

Source: Liveforfilm

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