AGENT CARTER: ABC is Moving Forward Hayley Atwell Spin-off TV Series

Hayley Atwell Agent Carter Captain America The First Avenger

Agent Carter is getting a TV Series. ABC is moving forward with an Agent Carter TV series based on the character that appeared in Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Agent Carter herself, Hayley Atwell, made the announcement via her Twitter account:

We previously published these Agent Carter articles:

Agent Carter: Marvel Studios Developing Second ABC TV Series

Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter (2013) Short Film: Peggy Carries On

Agent Carter: Producers Hired for Hayley Atwell ABC TV Series  

On the Agent Carter TV show:

the series will act as a “bridge show” to be aired during the second season hiatus of Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., which has itself been renewed by ABC. The report suggests that the two series will be tied together in some way, with both scheduled to arrive during the 2014 – 15 broadcast season in the US. The show will pick up a year after the events of Captain America: The First Avenger, and will follow Peggy Carter’s blossoming career as a secret agent, while Cap remains frozen in ice.

On Peggy Carter:

An officer with the Strategic Scientific Reserve and the love interest of Captain America. Regarding her preparation for the role, she said, “I’m training at the moment six days a week to make her a bit more military and make it convincing that I could kick butt.” About the character, Atwell stated, “I likened her character to that famous Ginger Rogers quote. She can do everything Captain America can do, but backwards and in high heels. She’s an English soldier through and through, although she always looks fabulous. She might stand there with a machine-gun shooting Nazis, but she’s obviously gone to the loo beforehand and applied a bit of lipstick. She doesn’t need to be rescued. That’s exciting to me – her strength”. “I think she’s quite stubborn, a slightly frustrated woman who struggles with being a woman in that time. But more importantly she’s a modern woman and she sees something in Captain America that she relates to, and becomes kindred spirits. He treats her very differently to how she’s been treated by lots of men, in this kind of dominated world she lives in. So she’s very much a fighter.”

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Source: Wikipedia, Totalfilm

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