ALL YOU NEED IS KILL: Brad Pitt sought for Role

Brad Pitt, All You Need is Kill

Brad Pitt is being sought by Warner Bros. for a film adaptation of Hiroshi Sakurazaka‘s All You Need is Kill. Warner Bros. bought a script based on the Japanese novel in April of 2010. The script was written by Dante Harper.

All You Need is Kill‘s storyline:

There’s one thing worse than dying. It’s coming back to do it again and again…When the alien Gitai invade, Keiji Kiriya is just one of many raw recruits shoved into a suit of battle armor and sent out to kill. Keiji dies on the battlefield, only to find himself reborn each morning to fight and die again and again. On the 158th iteration though, he sees something different, something out of place: the female soldier known as the Bitch of War. Is the Bitch the key to Keiji’s escape, or to his final death?

I have heard this film described as a military Groundhog Day, a Source Code variant, which are all accurate. I’ve heard Starship Troopers referenced as well and I guess that is fair but I try not to think of that movie (the book was better) whenever possible.

More on the film adaptation of All You Need is Kill and it’s road to the big screen:

The protagonist of All You Need is Kill is a young soldier in a futuristic war against aliens. He is killed in a massive battle, but wakes up alive once more, eighteen hours or so before he was killed.

For months, the problem with the movie was its third act: Eventually, it begins to play like a big-screen version of Halo, where the protagonist dispatches aliens in the same rote way as a twelve year old who’s played too much X-Box 360. We’re told, however, that a new draft of the Kill script has resolved this to the studio’s satisfaction.

Key there being ‘young.’ Brad Pitt is not young. The script was expensive and the film will be expensive, and the studio likely wants someone who’ll be able to provide a real assist at the box office. There aren’t many young actors who can do that.

But from a financing and sales perspective, Pitt would make things easier, even if he’s not right for the role. And he’s not, since he’s twenty years too old.

The director of All You Need is Kill is currently Doug Liman. “Vulture also says that this all comes about after David Ellison’s Skydance Productions decided not to co-finance Doug Liman’s Paramount-housed film Luna, about a heist in space. That’s leading to new momentum on All You Need is Kill, since Luna had previously been the director’s main interest.”

Brad Pitt has not officially signed onto All You Need is Kill yet.

Source: Geektyrant

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