APOLLO 18 (2011) Movie Trailer: Gonzalo Lopez-Gallego, Timur Bekmambetov

The Apollo 18 Movie Trailer has premiered. Gonzalo Lopez-Gallego‘s Apollo 18 (2011) – produced by Timur Bekmambetov – plot synopsis: “Officially, Apollo 17, launched December 17th, 1972 was the last manned mission to the moon. But a year later, in December of 1973, two American astronauts were sent on a secret mission to the moon funded by the US Department of Defense. What you are about to see is the actual footage which the astronauts captured on that mission. While NASA denies its authenticity, others say it’s the real reason we’ve never gone back to the moon.” Looks interesting. How that spider thing gets into the space suit is a question I am waiting to be answered. The film’s presention sounds a little like Cloverfield.

The story opens on astronauts Nathan and Ben, already walking on the surface, after they have just escaped… something.  Infinitely better than Osunsanmi’s script, Miller’s concept tells the story as if the frightened men were truly documenting the events, then fills the gaps with still frames, voices layered over blackness, and other “found footage” techniques.

Watch out the Apollo 18 movie trailer below and leave your thoughts on it below. Apollo 18 will be released on April 22, 2011 in theaters in the US.

Source: Newsinfilm

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