ARROW: John Barrowman Reveals Some Details on Damien Darhk [The CW]

Neal McDonough Damien Darhk Arrow

John Barrowman Talks About Damien Darhk on Arrow. The fourth season of Arrow introduced viewers to Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough), a DC villain with ties to Ra’s al Ghul and Vandal Savage. Well, Dark has a different origin from the comics according to John Barrowman.

In the comics, Damien Darhk worked with H.I.V.E. and went against members of the Teen Titans. On Arrow, however, Darhk is an expert in the mystical arts instead of being a tech genius. The character also turned out to be a former member of the League of Assassins with Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable) before their falling out. John Barrowman, who plays the new Ra’s al Ghul Malcolm Merlyn, told EW about Darhk’s past and how the Lazarus Pit, which was prominently featured last season, had a different effect on Darhk than it did on the other characters.

[Malcolm’s] not afraid of [the newly resurrected Sara Lance] because, in his mind, he killed her once, he can kill her again.  But he doesn’t know what she’s come out of the pit with. Everybody comes out of the pit different. People come out with a bit of every soul that has been put in the pit before. Some parts of those souls take over. Thea’s got a bloodlust. Damien Darhk’s got something else. What will Sara come out with?

After hearing this, the Lazarus Pit’s mysterious powers and how it works raises some more questions. What are your opinions on this?

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