BARELY LETHAL (2014) Movie Image: Hailee Steinfeld is a Child Assassin

Hailee Steinfeld Barely Lethal

Barely Lethal Images. The Hailee Steinfeld Barely Lethal (2014) movie pictures are from a Kyle Newman directed film. The Hailee Steinfeld Barely Lethal movie photographs also features co-star Samuel L. Jackson. One image features Megan (Hailee Steinfeld) holding a gun and aiming it at someone and the other features Hardman scolding Megan.

The Hailee Steinfeld, Samuel L. Jackson Barely Lethal images:

Hailee Steinfeld Samuel L Jackson Barely Lethal


Hailee Steinfeld Barely Lethal

Barely Lethal also stars Jessica Alba, Jaime King, Sophie Turner, Dove Cameron, Rachael Harris, Autumn Dial, Thomas Mann, Alexandra Krosney, Gabriel Basso, Dan Fogler, Steve-O, Rob Huebel, and Bruno Gunn.

Barely Lethal‘s plot synopsis: “The film follows Megan (Hailee Steinfeld), a young international assassin who yearns for a “normal” adolescence, prompting her to fake her own death and enroll in a suburban high school. Jessica Alba plays Victoria, Megan’s former handler and current nemesis, who enlists Heather (Sophie Turner) to go undercover at the high school and reacquire the runaway.”

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Source: Imdb, Entertainment Weekly, Firstshowing

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