BEREAVEMENT (2010) Movie Poster 2: Alexandra Daddario, Stevan Mena

Alexandra Daddario, Bereavement Movie Poster, 02

The second Bereavement Movie Poster has premiered. The Bereavement (2010) movie poster 2 only features Alexandra Daddario. Stevan Mena‘s Bereavement also stars Michael Biehn, Brett Rickaby, Martin Bristol, Kathryn Meisle, John Savage, and Nolan Funk. Bereavement‘s plot synopsis: “Serving as a prequel to 2004’s Malevolence, the film centers on the killer Graham Sutter and the kidnapping and systematic torture of his protégé Martin Bristol. The horrific account of 6 year old Martin Bristol, abducted from his backyard swing and forced to witness the brutal crimes of a deranged madman.” After the MPAA banned the first Bereavement movie poster, it was only a matter of time before a new movie poster was released to accompany Bereavement (2010) Movie Trailer 2. Check out the second Bereavement movie poster below and leave your thoughts on it. Bereavement may be released on March 4, 2011.

Alexandra Daddario, Bereavement Movie Poster 2

Source: Geektyrant

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