CODE Z: The Series Teaser Trailer


The Code Z: The Series teaser trailer has premiered. Code Z: The Series (2010) is directed by Taj Jackson and stars Thaina Sco, Thaisa Sco, and Thayana Sco. The Code Z: The Series‘s plot synopsis: “a zombie outbreak thrashes a private boarding school causing triplet sisters, Katelyn, Hayley, and Lena to become official zombie hunters. The media labels the attack, “Code Z”. Following the tragic death of their mother during labor, Hayley, Katelyn and Lena grow up in Brazil with their adoptive American family, The Banks. Life becomes more complicated when their parents discuss their looming divorce. Confused and frustrated, the sisters rebel. Hoping to instill discipline in them before it’s too late, their parents mutually agree to send their young daughters to a local military school. At the school the triplets learn how to fight, use firearms, strategize, and ultimately, unite. As usual, trouble finds them once again, and the girls are swiftly expelled from school. With no other options, they are sent to live in the United States with their very strict, no-nonsense aunt who immediately enrolls them into a private boarding school. After surviving this initial Zombie attack, …this trio will be forced each day to use everything they’ve learned to stay alive. Hayley, Katelyn and Lena are now full-time, dedicated Zombie hunters with three main objectives: Find survivors, look for any possible cure to the Zombie virus, and kill as many Zombies as they can along the way.” The sell point for this series are the three pulchritudinous triplets and the prospect of seeing them kicking zombie ass. Who knows, if the online series garners enough attention a TV series or motion picture could be green lit. Will the series take itself seriously like Blade: The Series or sort of seriously like Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and BitchSlap. We will have to wait and see. Check out the teaser trailer below.

Source: Liveforfilms

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