DEMENTIA 13 (2017) Movie Trailer: A Ghost Seeks Revenge On Her Murderer

Dementia 13

Dementia 13 Trailer

The first movie trailer for Dementia 13 (2017) from Chiller Films.

Dementia 13 plot synopsis from

In the original Dementia 13, Luana Anders murders her husband and ventures to Ireland to his family estate where she is menaced by his disturbed family and then beheaded by a roaming axe-murderer. In this remake, a vengeful ghost, a mysterious killer and a family brimming with secrets converge in one night of terror. Dementia 13 is produced by DeFilippo and is
executive produced by Smith.

The first “legitimate” feature from Francis Ford Coppola, I suppose it was only a matter of time before they decided to remake Dementia 13. While obviously a far cry from the creative heights the director reached in The Godfather and Apocalypse Now, the supernatural thriller is compelling enough to watch more than once and perhaps benefit from a different take.

Indeed, the trailer suggests that this is one movie that actually benefits from a new approach. The tracking shots that capture the car approaching the household and the family’s presumable matriarch approaching the screen are nice touches that indicate thought was put into the film’s composition while the increasing pace of the trailer’s editing suitably convey the increase in tension.

Richard LeMay‘s Dementia 13 (2017) stars Julia CampanelliChanning Pickett, Steve Polites, Marianne Noscheze, Ben van Berkum, Ana Isabelle, Anthony Salvador LewisDonal Trophy, Leif Steinert, Roland Sands, Christian Ryan, Jay William Thomas, Leila Grace, and Pat Malone.

Watch the Dementia 13 Trailer. Leave your thoughts on it below in the comments section. Readers seeking more movie trailers can visit our Movie Trailer Page, our Movie Trailer Twitter Page, our Movie Trailer Facebook Page, and our Movie Trailer Google+ Page. Dementia 13 is set to hit select theaters on October 6th. Want up-to-the-minute notifications? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, and Facebook.

Dementia 13 Trailer

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