District 9 Teaser Trailer


The District 9 Teaser Trailer reminds me of the movie and subsequent television series, Alien Nation. I am looking forward to the first trailer full trailer for District 9, even though it is by a first time director, Neill Blomkamp. District 9 was produced by Peter Jackson so the quality should be high. The two best aspects of the District 9 teaser trailer are when it begins and the situation described could be about any indigenous people from the  Johannesburg, South Africa region. The second is the alien interrogation at the end of the trailer. District 9 is a film “about aliens landing in South Africa and becoming contained to a specific area and forced to work. In the movie these aliens are called ‘Non-Humans’ and are overseen by Multi-National United (MNU), a company which is utilizing alien technology… An extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum-like conditions in Johannesburg, South Africa suddenly find a ‘kindred spirit’ in a government agent that is exposed to their mysterious biotechnology.” District 9 will be released on August 14, 2009.

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