THE FLASH: Season 3, Episode 21: Cause and Effect Images and Trailer [The CW]

Keiynan Lonsdale Grant Gustin Cause and Effect The Flash

The Flash: Cause and Effect Images and Promo

The CW’s The Flash Season 3, Episode 21: ‘Cause and Effect’ TV Show trailer stars Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker, and Jesse L. Martin. After that big reveal on Savitar’s identity, Team Flash must now find a way to stop him once and for all.

With the Savitar mystery solved, the team must now find a way to stop the evil God of Speed. The only problem is, how do you defeat a speedster who knows your every move? Well, the team is taking some drastic measures to ensure that the Scarlet Speedster can defeat him. Cisco (Carlos Valdes) uses a device to help make sure that Barry (Grant Gustin) doesn’t make any more memories, but it may end up backfiring after his memory gets wiped and causes him to forget who he is. Hopefully the team can fix Barry before he goes up against Savitar.

In the images, we see more of what’s in store for the team, including Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) returning to STAR Labs, but why is she surrendering? Perhaps to make a deal with them? With only three episodes left, the team is wasting no time in finding out more about Savitar’s plans and how to stop him. Meanwhile, we also spot some romantic sparks between H.R. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) and Tracy Brand (Anne Dudek) based on these photos here.

Check out the images and trailer from the upcoming episode and let us know what you think.

Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally, Tom Felton as Julian Albert, and Carlos Valdes as Cisco

Carlos Valdes as Cisco

Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally

Jesse L. Martin as Joe West, Danielle Panabaker as Killer Frost, and Carlos Valdes as Cisco

Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally, Danielle Panabaker as Killer Frost, and Tom Felton as Julian Albert

Danielle Panabaker as Killer Frost

Jesse L. Martin as Joe West, Carlos Valdes as Cisco, and Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally

Danielle Panabaker as Killer Frost, Tom Felton as Julian Albert, Candice Patton as Iris, Jesse L. Martin as Joe West, Carlos Valdes as Cisco, and Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally

Tom Cavanagh as H.R. Wells and Anne Dudek as Tracy Brand

Anne Dudek as Tracy Brand

Carlos Valdés as Cisco, Candice Patton as Iris, Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally, Grant Gustin as Barry Allen, Jesse L. Martin as Joe West, Tom Cavanagh as H.R. Wells, Anne Dudek as Tracy Brand

Grant Gustin as The Flash

Keiynan Lonsdale as Kid Flash and Grant Gustin as The Flash

Keiynan Lonsdale as Kid Flash, Grant Gustin as The Flash, and Jesse L. Martin as Joe West

Anne Dudek as Tracy Brand and Tom Cavanagh as H.R. Wells

Tom Cavanagh as H.R. Wells

Candice Patton as Iris and Jesse L. Martin as Joe West

Candice Patton as Iris

Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Candice Patton as Iris

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