GOTHAM: First Look at Michelle Veintimilla as Firefly [Fox]

Michelle Veintimilla Firefly Gotham Strike Force Trailer

First Image of Female Incarnation of Firefly on Gotham. We saw a promo for tonight’s episode of Gotham featuring a glimpse of Batman villain Firefly. Now we have a better look at Michelle Veintimilla’s portrayal as the female version called Bridget Pike with this new image.

Gotham has taken the liberty of using all of Batman’s villains and creating an origin story, especially with Firefly during tonight’s episode. Here’s what Michelle Veintimilla had to say when she spoke with TV Insider about being cast as the DC villain:

I actually had no idea I would ultimately be playing a villain. It wasn’t until my first fitting with costume designer John Glaser that I discovered I’d be portraying the notorious [Firefly]! It was a huge surprise for me. I immediately starting reading up on the different incarnations and quickly realized that Gotham was doing their own take on the character… a new, badass, female version! Bridgit’s story goes beyond what you would expect. I’m really excited for everyone to see her story unfold and witness her transformation. It was incredibly empowering to get to play her as an artist and woman.

“Since I handled real fire on set, my costume consisted of many layers of fire-retardant fabric. It’s very hot inside the suit,” Veintimilla confessed, saying that the homemade version that we see tonight will actually change over time when she recurs in the series. “These two episodes arc her story before she becomes the full-fledged villain,” she explained. “I’m excited to see what her actual villain costume will look like when we get there.”

You will get to see Firefly in action during tonight’s episode ‘Strike Force’. Check out the image and let us know what you think.

Michelle Veintimilla as Bridget Pike/Firefly

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