Horror Film Reviews: Nov. 12, 2008

Though it’s no longer October, I’ve decided to extend Horror Month at FB for just a little bit longer since horror movies are so fun to review and discuss. Enjoy (click the review title to see the full review) and let me know what you think of these Horror Films.

Mr. Brooks9.5/10

In a rare dark performance, Costner raises what might have been a normal crime movie with a twist involving his id into a superior human horror film. Where this movie succeeds is that you care about the film’s sociopathic anti-hero, Earl Brooks, much in the same way we care about Richard B. Riddick in Pitch Black.

Perfume: The Story of a Murder8/10

The concept for the film and the book that spawned it is simple; a boy is born in France during the 18th-century, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, with an extreme sense of smell but who possesses absolutely no body odor of his own. Bear in mind, this is quite an achievement in an age of no deodorant and disease that precursed Joseph Lister and his ideas on antiseptics.


Teeth is a horror movie with comedic elements that deals with mutation, the myth of Vagina Dentate and virginity. Teeth revolves around a teenage girl, Dawn O’Keefe (Jess Weixler), that was born with teeth in her vagina. Dawn is a celibacy-promoting high school student who at a young age was given a new step dad, Bill O’Keefe (Lenny Von Dohlen) and brother, Brad O’Keefe (John Hensley), when her mom, Kim O’Keefe (Vivienne Benesch), remarried.

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