Horror Film Reviews: Oct. 14, 2008

Continuing Horror Month at FB, I have decided to post three of my earliest Horror Reviews (I think my review for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 2003 is permanently lost) that I ever wrote and published on the web. Enjoy (click the review title to see the full review) and let me know what you think of these Horror Films.


Jack Gunn’s nearly suspenseless ode to Troma films, Slither, is a slimy combination of humor and gore. When a meteor lands near the traditional backdrop for most horror movies, a small, out-of-the-way town, the normality of town people’s daily lives are not disturbed in the slightest. This is because no one but the people watching Slither actually see meteor hit.


The Descent9/10

In the tradition of John Carpenter’s The Thing, Below, Event Horizon and many others, comes Neil Marshall’s The Descent. Like the above mentioned films, The Descent achieves a closed off atmosphere for its characters within the first twenty minutes of its runtime. Like many horror movies these days, The Descent is filled with standard scares: sudden, loud noises, things jumping into frame quickly, etc.



Christopher Smith’s Severance is a funny and bloody good time. It starts off slowly, establishing characters, relationships and the background story on why these people are taking this retreat. It is all about team building and developing their marketing department into a more cohesive and lucid corporate appendage. Once they are stranded in an isolated cabin complex, one of the standard screenplay setups for the horror genre, the characters relax and begin taking in the rustic scenery.

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