How Netflix Destroyed Blockbuster Infographic

How Netflix Destroyed Blockbuster Infographic, 02

The How Netflix Destroyed Blockbuster Infographic has been released. This Netflix / Blockbuster Infographic is filled with information about the two companies you probably had no idea about, chief among them: Blockbuster refused to buy NetFlix multiple times in the past, HBO will not stream any of its content on NetFlix. etc.  I’m surprised they left off the info about Blockbuster kiosks. I guess that has to do with Blockbuster and Redbox not Blockbuster and Netflix. This is a text book example of a leading company not adapting with the times or paying attention to growing trends. Adapt or perish Blockbuster. I was just in a Blockbuster and everything in the store wasn’t for rent but was being sold. BTW, bankruptcy does not equal a cessation of cash flow. Check out the How Netflix Destroyed Blockbuster Infographic below and leave your thoughts on it. Click to enlarge.

How Netflix Destroyed Blockbuster Infographic

Source: Online mba programs

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