IN THE FLESH (2013): BBC 3 Launch Trailer, Episode1-2 Plot Synopsis

Luke Newberry In The Flesh

In the Flesh Trailer, Episode Plot Synopsis. BBC‘s In the Flesh (2013) BBC Three Launch TV show trailer, episode 1-2 plot synopsis stars Luke Newberry, Steve Cooper, Marie Critchley, Harriet Cains, and Steve Evets.

We previously published the In the Flesh (2013): Season 1 TV show trailer.

The official press release for episode 1 and episode 2 of In the Flesh:

Ep 1/3
Sunday 17 March

In The Flesh is an exciting new three-part drama for BBC Three that tells the story of zombie teenager Kieren Walker (Luke Newberry) and his reintegration back into both the local community and the heart of his family.

After his death four years ago, his friends and family thought they’d never see Kieren again. But then, shortly after his funeral, thousands of the dead were re-animated; and now, after months of re-habilitation and medication, the zombies are gradually being returned to their homes.

Now known as PDS sufferers (Partially Deceased Syndrome) – and since the passing of the PDS Protection act – the government have set an agenda of acceptance and tolerance, one that is at odds with the communities abandoned at the time of the rising, and the bloody battle between zombies and humans that ensued.

A cauldron of brutal anti-zombie sentiment and the source of the ‘rotter’ hating Human Volunteer Force (HVF), Kieren returns to his home in the rural village of Roarton. Here he is forced to confront his family, the community that rejected him and the flashbacks that continue to haunt him of what he did in his untreated state.

Kieren’s parents, Steve (Steve Cooper) and Sue (Marie Critchley), are undoubtedly pleased to see him, but his sister, Jem (Harriet Cains), isn’t so ready to pick up where they left off.

Meanwhile, the HVF, led by violent Bill Macy (Steve Evets) and backed by local churchman Vicar Oddie (Kenneth Cranham), are ready to take action against any PDS Sufferer reintegrated on their patch.

Ep 2/3
Sunday 24 March

Feeling trapped at home, where parents Steve and Sue are trying to keep him from the world and sister Jem wants nothing to do with him, Kieren, still experiencing vivid flashbacks of one particular victim, Lisa Lancaster, escapes to his grave where he’s reunited with his old hunting partner, Amy Dyer.

Recognising Kieren’s self-pity, Amy persuades him to take a day trip with her, but the initial joy soon turns to fear as Kieren’s spotted and outed as a ‘rotter’. After fleeing home, Kieren later discovers that Rick Macy, his former best mate who died in Afghanistan, is back in town. Rick’s death devastated Kieren first time round so Kieren is persuaded by Amy to go and search him out at partisan local pub, The Legion.

After an awkward reunion, Kieren finds himself on a Human Volunteer Force hunting mission in the Roarton woods, where the night patrol has reported live rabid zombies roaming free.

In the Flesh‘s plot synopsis for the overall series: “After his death four years ago, his friends and family thought they’d never see Kieren (Luke Newberry) again. But then, shortly after his funeral, thousands of the dead were re-animated; and now, after months of re-habilitation and medication, the zombies are gradually being returned to their homes.

Now known as PDS sufferers (Partially Deceased Syndrome) – and since the passing of the PDS Protection act – the government have set an agenda of acceptance and tolerance, one that is at odds with the communities abandoned at the time of the rising, and the bloody battle between zombies and humans that ensued.

A cauldron of brutal anti-zombie sentiment and the source of the ‘rotter’ hating Human Volunteer Force (HVF), Kieren returns to his home in the rural village of Roarton. Here he is forced to confront his family, the community that rejected him and the flashbacks that continue to haunt him of what he did in his untreated state.

Kieren’s parents, Steve (Steve Cooper) and Sue (Marie Critchley), are undoubtedly pleased to see him, but his sister, Jem (Harriet Cains), isn’t so ready to pick up where they left off.

Meanwhile, the HVF, led by violent Bill Macy (Steve Evets) and backed by local churchman Vicar Oddie (Kenneth Cranham), are ready to take action against any PDS Sufferer reintegrated on their patch.”

In the Flesh also stars Sandra Huggett, Riann Steele, Ricky Tomlinson, and Kenneth Cranham.

Watch the In The Flesh: BBC 3 Launch TV show trailer and leave your thoughts on it below in the comments section. In The Flesh, a three part series on BBC, begins airing on March 17, 2013. For more In The Flesh photos, videos, and information, visit our In The Flesh Page, subscribe to us by Email, “follow” us on Twitter or “like” us on Facebook.

Source: Spoilertv (1, 2), BBC

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