J.J. Abrams Still Working on PORTAL and HALF-LIFE Films

Half-Life Portal

J.J. Abrams Still Developing on Films Based on Portal and Half-Life. J.J. Abrams is one busy man after reinvigorating Star Trek and Star Wars back to stardom. The director is still working on other projects in his spare time, including film adaptations of Portal and Half-Life.

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens behind him, J.J. Abrams is taking a backseat on the franchise as a producer, meaning he is finally free to work on other films. So maybe it’s about time to get back into working on the long delayed Portal and Half-Life films? At a press event promoting 10 Cloverfield Lane, Abrams told IGN, “Not yet, but they’re in development.  And we’ve got writers, and we’re working on both those stories. But nothing that would be an exciting update.”

It was back in DICE 2013 when Abrams and Valve’s Gabe Newell teased about their partnership but there haven’t been any more updates since then. Would you still want to see Half-Life and Portal brought to life on the big screen?

 Leave your thoughts on the status of the Portal and Half-Life films in the comments section below. For more Half-Life and Portal news and development, visit our Portal Page, Half-Life Page, or subscribe to us by Email, “follow” us on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ or “like” us on Facebook.

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