JACKRABBIT (2015) Movie Trailer: Big Brother Watches After World-wide ‘Reset’

Jackrabbit Movie Poster

Jackrabbit Trailer. Carleton Ranney‘s Jackrabbit (2015) stars Reed Birney, Josh Caras, Ian Christopher Noel, Joslyn Jensen, and Heath Allyn. Jackrabbit‘s plot synopsis: “Following a worldwide event known as The Reset, humanity rebuilds a society with aging mechanics where gleaming technology once stood. Surveillance now the status quo, society is slowly putting its shattered pieces back together under a watchful eye. After a friend’s suicide leaves behind a mysterious computer drive, a young computer prodigy and a shadowy hacker join together to decipher the clues that he’s left behind.”

FilmBook writer Mufsin Mahbub reviewed the film at the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival, saying that the film was messy yet unique. The latter is definitely emphasized in the trailer.

Jackrabbit also stars Robert Ansley, Regina Ting Chen, Cameron Covert, and Logan Cunningham.

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