JASON BOURNE (2016) Movie Clips, TV Spots, & Movie Featurette: Matt Damon is Hunted

Matt Damon Alicia Vikander jason Bourne Movie Poster

Jason Bourne Clips, TV Spots, and Featurette

Three movie clips, five TV commercials, and a movie featurette for Jason Bourne (2016) have been released for the Paul Greengrass‘ directed film. The TV Spots show the many facets of the film, spoiling a few along the way. Notable among the spoiled plot elements is the Iron Hand Program, which I won’t re-spoil here. That spoiler is in the ‘Put Him Down’ TV spot if you want to avoid it. Other spoilers involve why Jason Bourne joined the branch of the government that he joined.

The people that put together this TV commercials are putting many if not all of the film’s narrative cards on the table. They are trying to entice as many people as possible into the theater to see the latest adventure of Jason Bourne. I wonder, though, how similar this plot points are to the book series this film franchise is based upon? Is the book incarnation better than the film incarnation?

During the behind-the-scenes movie featurette, Matt Damon reveals that Jason Bourne was a defining roll in my life. Paul Greengrass tells the viewer that Jason Bourne is referred in CIA as “The 100 Million Dollar Weapon.” Interesting title. Did CIA really spend $100 Mil on Jason Bourne’s training or on his training program in general?

Jason Bourne‘s plot synopsis: “it’s Bourne through an austerity-riddled Europe and in a post-Snowden world.”

Jason Bourne also stars Tommy Lee Jones, Ato Essandoh, Julia Stiles, Alicia Vikander, Vincent Cassel, Riz Ahmed, Neve Gachev, Stephen Kunken, Sarah Armstrong, Bill Camp, Scott Shepherd, Marla Aaron Wapner, Vivian Yoon Lee, and Alexander Cooper.

Watch the Jason Bourne movie clips, TV Spots and movie featurette and leave your thoughts on them below in the comments section. Readers seeking more movie trailers can visit our Movie Featurette Page. Readers seeking more TV spots can visit our TV Commercial Page. Want up-to-the-minute notifications? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, and Facebook. Jason Bourne will be released in U.S. theaters through Universal Pictures on July 29, 2016.

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