JUSTICE LEAGUE (2017): J.K. Simmons Says His Character Will Be Badass and Partner Up With Batman

JK Simmons Commissioner Gordon

J.K. Simmons Discusses Playing Jim Gordon on Justice League. A photo was recently posted up online of J.K. Simmons looking jacked up, but is it for his role for Justice League? We don’t know, but the actor did say we might expect a badass Jim Gordon in this film.

Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, J.K. Simmons has already been shooting for the film and is expected back in London to continue playing Batman’s (Ben Affleck) confidante. Talking about shooting with Zack Snyder on set, he said, “[It’s] been a fun experience, and knock wood, if it continues, then I’ll hopefully get to play Commissioner Gordon in a handful of movies.”

He also added:

People of my generation remember Commissioner Gordon as this jolly, ineffectual Santa Claus type, and I think over the years in the comics there’s definitely much more of a badass side to him. One of the things that’s interesting to me is investigating hopefully a little bit more of that badass [side]…You’re living in a universe where it’s pretty tough to be a badass compared to somebody like Batman, but in the universe of non-superheroes I like the idea of Commissioner Gordon as a guy that can take care of himself, a guy that’s a real partner to Batman, not just a guy that turns on the bat signal and goes, ‘Help! Help, Batman!’

So it looks like we might be seeing a much more faithful Jim Gordon in Justice League. We could also be seeing some action from him in the film based on his comments. Hopefully we get to see just how accurate his character will be from the comics when the film comes out.

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