L’ASSAUT / THE ASSAULT (2011) Movie Trailer: Julien Leclerq

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The L’Assaut Movie Trailer has premiered. Julien Leclerq‘s L’Assaut / The Assault (2011) stars Vincent Elbaz, Mélanie Bernier, Grégori Derangère, and Aymen Saidi. L’Assaut‘s plot synopsis: “On Christmas Eve 1994 four armed men from the Islamic terrorist group GIA hijacked Air France Flight 8969 in Algiers. When they landed in Marseille the plane was raided by highly trained French forces and all four kidnappers killed.”

Powerful movie trailer. Since this really happened it will be interesting to see what balance is struck in the film. Like Flight 93, L’Assaut seems to deal with the people brought into the story as well as the people primarily involved with it.

Check out the L’Assaut movie trailer below and leave your thoughts on it.

[youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B7NhtsyzE8 500 430]

Source: Quietearth

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