LEGION: TV Series Won’t Be Set in the X-Men Film Universe [FX]


Legion Won’t Be In the Same World as the X-Men Films. The comic book Legion originally took place in the X-Men universe where it focuses on Charles Xavier’s son. However, the upcoming TV series based on it won’t be the same as it wont take place in the same world as the X-Men films.

FX President John Landgraf confirmed during the TCA press tour that Legion would be premiering by the end of 2016, but he also revealed that there’s no plans for the series to connect with the X-Men Universe. The series, as it turns out, will be set in a different world. “It’s not in the continuity of those films in the sense the current X-Men films take place in a universe in which everybody on planet Earth is aware of the existence of mutants,” he told IGN. Landgraf also adds:

The series Legion takes place in a parallel universe, if you will, in which the US government is in the early days of being aware that something called mutants exist but the public is not. I wouldn’t foresee characters moving back and forth because they really are parallel universes.

With this show taking place in the past, Landgraf also said that it will run for 10 episodes and we won’t be seeing any of the characters from the movies. “It’s still in process but I think at the moment they’re all new characters… But I’m not 100% sure that’ll be the case by the time it airs.” As for Legion’s development, he said:

We’re quite well along. We’ve had a writing staff working. We’ve seen not only the pilot but several episodes and we’re well in process of casting. I would anticipate that Legion would go on the air some time in 2016, this year. We don’t tend to order series straight out the gate because I still really believe in the pilot process. We really think of it as a series. We’re already in active prep. We’re building sets, and our writers’ room has already been assembled. … The vast majority of things that we pilot do go forward to series. I’m pretty optimistic about Legion. The scripts are extraordinary.

What do you guys think of this? Are you bummed that Legion won’t be in the same universe as the X-Men films?

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