Metacritic’s Best Reviewed Movies of the Decade (2000-2009)

Metacritic‘s Best Reviewed Movies of the Decade (1999-2009). Their categories include Comedies, Dramas, Action, Animated, Blockbusters, Comic Book Adaptations, Documentaries, Family/Kids, Horror, Musicals, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Sports, Thrillers, Video Game Adaptations, Westerns. We have listed below the top five for Dramas, Action, Blockbusters, Horror, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and ThrillersMetacritic‘s algorithm takes the scores for all the major review outlets, who give a movie a score  from 0-100, adds them together then divides by how many of those reviews there are, arriving at an average score. BTW, Pan’s Labyrinth was the best reviewed film of the decade. Talk about a film that deserves such an honor. Del Toro was robbed of the Oscar for best director just so The Academy could finally give Scorsese an Oscar. How In Valen’s Name could they award The Departed the best picture Oscar over Pan’s Labyrinth?  Pan’s Labyrinth blew The Departed out of the water plus the  film that The Departed is based on, Infernal Affairs, is a completely better film as well. Anyway, I digress. Check out Metacritic’s Best Reviewed Movies of the Decade (1999-2009) and leave your thoughts on them below.


Comedies (Sideways)
Dramas (The Hurt Locker)
Action (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)
Animated (Ratatouille)
Blockbusters (Ratatouille)
Comic Book Adaptations (American Splendor)
Documentaries (My Voyage to Italy)
Family/Kids (Lassie)
Horror (The Host)
Musicals (Once)
Sci-Fi/Fantasy (Pan’s Labyrinth)
Sports (Million Dollar Baby)
Thrillers (No Country for Old Men)
Video Game Adaptations (Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within)
Westerns (Brokeback Mountain)

The Best-Reviewed Dramas of the Decade, 2000-09 (Excluding Foreign-Language Films)

1. The Hurt Locker
2. There Will Be Blood
3. The Queen
4. No Country for Old Men
5. Bloody Sunday

 The Best-Reviewed Action Movies of the Decade, 2000-09

1. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
2. House of Flying Draggers
3. The Bourne Ultimatum
4. Hero
5. Avatar

The Best-Reviewed Blockbusters of the Decade, 2000-09 (High Scores Among Top 100 Box Office for Decade)

1. Ratatouille
2. The Lords of the Rings: The Return of the King 
4. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
5. The Incredibles

The Best-Reviewed Horror Movies of the Decade, 2000-09

1. The Host
2. Drag Me to Hell
3. 28 Weeks Later
4. Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
5. Grindhouse

The Best-Reviewed Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movies of the Decade, 2000-09 (Excludes Superhero and Comic Book Movies)

1. Pan’s Labyrinth
2. The Lords of the Rings: The Return of the King 
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
4. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
5. Children of Men

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