THE OSIRIS CHILD (2016) U.S. Movie Trailer: Soldiers & Criminals Contend with a Global Crisis

Daniel MacPherson Kellan Lutz The Osiris Child

The Osiris Child U.S. Trailer

The United States movie trailer for The Osiris Child: Science Fiction Volume One (2016) has been released by RLJ Entertainment. The U.S. trailer for The Osiris Child is far superior than the international trailer for the film. This trailer shows the heart of film (what Rogue One: A Star Wars Story lacked) before segueing to its more dramatic elements.

Before the trailer got too ambitious with some of its sci-fi technology elements, The Osiris Child seemed as though it would be a solid science fiction adventure film. It still may be.

Towards the end of the trailer, and presumably the film, the story-line seems to get poignant with family angst breaking through the action. The viewer sees (and feels) this moment in this trailer when Lt. Kane Sommerville (Daniel MacPherson) makes a heart-felt admission to Indi Sommerville (Teagan Croft).

The Osiris Child: Science Fiction Volume One‘s plot synopsis: “Set in the future in a time of interplanetary colonization, Sy (Kellan Lutz), a mysterious drifter, meets Kane (Daniel MacPherson), a lieutenant working for an off-world military contractor, EXOR.

The unlikely pair must work together to rescue Kane’s young daughter (Teagan Croft) and reach safety amid an impending global crisis which was brought on by EXOR itself. Teaming up with a pair of renegades (Luke Ford and Isabel Lucas), Kane and Sy clash with EXOR in an attempt to escape while battling the savage creatures that roam the barren planet.”

Shane AbbessThe Osiris Child: Science Fiction Volume One  a.k.a. Science Fiction Volume One: The Osiris Child also stars Kellan Lutz, Isabel Lucas, Luke Ford, Rachel Griffiths, and Temuera Morrison.

The Osiris Child: Science Fiction Volume One‘s script was written by Shane Abbess and Brian Cachia.

Watch The Osiris Child U.S. Trailer. Leave your thoughts on it below in the comments section. Readers seeking more movie trailers can visit our Movie Trailer Page, our Movie Trailer Twitter Page, our Movie Trailer Facebook Page, and our Movie Trailer Google+ PageThe Osiris Child: Science Fiction Volume One was released in Australian theaters through Madman Entertainment on May 18, 2017. The Osiris Child: Science Fiction Volume One in the U.S. via DirecTV in early September 2017. The Osiris Child: Science Fiction Volume One will be released in limited U.S. theaters through RLJ Entertainment on October 6, 2017. Want up-to-the-minute notifications? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, and Facebook.

The Osiris Child U.S. Trailer

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