PROMETHEUS (2012): Damon Lindelof speaks about Film and Reception

Damon Lindelof

Damon Lindelof speaks about Prometheus and its Reception. Upon release, Prometheus received mixed reviews, many pointing out the myriad of plot holes plaguing the high-end science fiction film. I mentioned some of them here: Prometheus (2012) Film Review and others are spoken of in a hilarious video here: Prometheus (2012): Pre-Prequel Video: Weyland Scientist. I think Damon Lindelof was very brave to speak with the Wall Street Journal about Prometheus but it turns out this is not the first time as he is an avid Twitter user.

Here is what Damon Lindelof had to say about the in-detail examination of Prometheus‘ plot points by audiences:

My feeling is: this is what I signed up for. I am driven and captivated and interested in these open-ended stories that have a high level of interpretation to them. There’s a certain level of frustration that comes with that package. So, when I was involved in the movie just looking at tiny little effects, naming planets and star systems, you have to be responsible. Charlize [Theron] has a line in the movie where she says, “I wouldn’t be half a billion miles away from every man on earth if I wanted to get laid.” And Neil deGrasse Tyson [the well-known astrophysicist] came out said “This would put her somewhere in the neighborhood of Jupiter, when they are much, much further out.” I chose not to say anything because the line was intentional. It had been dinged before we even shot it. But we stuck by it for reasons I don’t feel like discussing.

Lindelof on David’s questionable dialogue about the mission’s elapsed time (2 years, 4 months, 18 days, 36 hours, 15 minutes):

The “36 hours” line has been burning a hole in my side because I wasn’t there on the day they shot it. I don’t know if it was an ad-lib by Michael or an idea by Ridley, that wasn’t the line that we wrote. So when people contact me and say “Explain this. Is it a glitch in David?” I have to say “I can’t take responsibility for this.” So, I do think in terms of fair play with the audience, Twitter is a medium for me to say “I can’t come out now and bullshit you.” God forbid somebody pulls the script one day and sees that line is not even in the script. So I have to be honest.

That was one I missed. The geeks really pay attention.

Damon Lindelof discusses his Twitter habit of responding to not only positive but negative tweets as well:

I am amused if somebody says something cleverly negative about it. The mean negatives, there is nothing pleasant about that experience whatsoever for me. I try to not address it unless it’s so horrible that I feel the need to tell everybody who follows me, “Just so you know, there are people out there who says this.” If somebody says something positive it’s something I want to keep to myself.

Damon Lindelof discusses the viral aspects of Prometheus‘ marketing: Prometheus (2012): Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce) TEDTalk 2023 Video and Prometheus (2012): Michael Fassbender ‘Happy Birthday David’ Video and how viral marketing can effect box office performance:

I think that tracking is very rudimentary. It’s “Are you aware of this? And if you are aware of this, how strongly do you want to see it?” What it doesn’t take into account is the zeitgeist construct. Take something like “Ted.” That was a rated-R movie that way outperformed its tracking. A zeitgeist forms around something, and the fuse doesn’t get lit until it’s out there and available. Then suddenly people go, “Oh right, ‘Ted’ That’s the ‘Family Guy’ guy. I want to see that!” So there are these 11th hour miracles that can occur for movies, and I think they are largely spurred by social media.

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Source: SlashfilmSpeakEasy

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