The Rare Exports Movie Trailer has premiered. Rare Exports (2010) is directed by Jalmari Helander and stars Peeter Jakobi, Onni Tommila, and Ilmari JärvenpääRare Exports‘ plot synopsis: “A modern-day take on one of our most cherished fantasies, Jalmari Helander’s Rare Exports (based on the highly touted shorts he made for and broadcast on the web) explores the moral universe of fairy tales and our relationship to them…Rare Exports boasts a lone parent with personal troubles, a child who’s perhaps too perceptive for his own good and an instantly identifiable villain. Told with just the right amount of gore, chill and humor, Rare Exports is a bracing fantasy that satirizes our attachment to the genre – our need to believe and propagate myth.” The fact that everyone in the trailer takes themselves serious and a serious tone is struck from the first frame reminds me again that we are in a post-The Dark Knight world. My favorite part of the Rare Exports movie trailer – of course – is when Santa Claus escapes and he is swearing up a storm. Thank god some people in the world still have imaginations and do not settled for reboots, remakes, or endless sequels. Check out the movie trailer below. No word on when the film will be released in the United States.

Source: Firstshowing

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