’s CEO is a Magician: Beware of Falling for his Tricks Pt4

Hugh Jackman The Prestige

Andi Super is a United Kingdom native featured on LinkedIn along with This section of CEO Andrew Super’s magic trick deals with the magician’s greatest moment during our flat rate business contract: The Prestige. “But you wouldn’t clap yet. Because making something disappear isn’t enough; you have to bring it back. That’s why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call ‘The Prestige’.”

Though Andrew Super brought nothing back (e.g. his ****, *****, etc.), he was still able to perform The Prestige for his magic trick. The Prestige perpetrated by Andrew Super was one part UK Andi and one part me (you’ll see).

The Turn Continued

February 27, 2013

The first payment on our flat fee contract was now seven days past due.

On February 27, 2013 at 4:02 pm, I asked another organization hosting the video player this question:


could I have the name and email address for your contact at Reelkandi?


I wanted to reach another employee within, another representative. I did not want to talk behind Andi Super’s back but I did want to speak with someone and get out the deleterious situation Andrew Super had created and was perpetuating.

On February 27, 2013 at 4:04 pm, the person in the other organization hosting the video player sent this message:

Sure, I’ve copied Andrew onto the email

As you can imagine, I was not pleased to find out that their contact was Andrew Super.

On February 27, 2013 at 4:39 pm, I emailed the person in the other organization hosting the video player this message:


“Sure, I’ve copied Andrew onto the email”

I wish you had not. I am having an issue with that Reelkandi employee.

Next time, just the name and the email address please. Thanks.

The Prestige

In three, two, one…

On February 27, 2013 4:40 pm, the person in the other organization hosting the video player sent this message:

Oh sorry, he is the CEO and is the only contact I have.

It was a thunderclap in a turbulent sky.

I could not believe it.

The person I had been enduring all this “magic” from in was the head of the organization.

I could not believe it. A CEO was attempting to change the elements of a contract after the first pay period had come and gone on that contract.

The CEO of, the figurehead, the one everybody else looked up to for modus operandi, etiquette, proper business conduct, had tried to alter contract terms when payment was due and was stonewalling on paying funds that were owed. Some of his emails had been signed CEO but it had never clicked in my mind since: a.) the first email he sent me was signed by a different title and b.) I was more concerned with the messages in the emails than how they were signed.

At that moment I knew it was hopeless. I went on LinkedIn and confirmed the validity of the emailed statement. Andrew Super was (and is) the CEO of

Game over.

I had written emails that morning that I was going to send to politely asking for a new representative to be assigned to FilmBook’s account. After learning that Andi Super was in fact the CEO, I knew those emails were pointless to send, that the situation was pointless.

Andrew Super had won, I had lost. His legerdemain had been successful.

My own stupidity and lack of foresight my downfall.

Andi Super never responded to the forwarded message from the person in the other organization hosting the video player.

I deleted the video player from Filmbook that day.

March 1, 2013

The first payment on our flat fee contract was now nine days past due.

Remembering a good rule of thumb: not to get emotional about money, to maintain pose at all times, I emailed Mr. Super and the embed employee one last time.

On March 1, 2013 at 12:49 am, I emailed Andi Super this message:

Mr. Super:

I would like to thank you for choosing FilmBook to advertise on. At this time I would like to formally discontinue the contract between our two organizations, effective immediately.

On March 1, 2013 at 2:49 am, I emailed embed employee this message:

Mr. [Deleted]:

thank you for all of your assistance when I sought to get a hold of Mr. Super regarding’s past due payment to my organization. It was very much appreciated and I hope that I did not put you in a bad position. That was not my intent. I hope all goes well for you in your endeavors.

I received no response to these emails.

As you can see,’s Andrew Super is not a magician to be taken lightly. Most CEOs would not dare perpetrate a magic trick like this but not Andi Super. Most CEOs care about their reputation and that of the organization they represent (e.g. the last two emails I sent to on March 1, 2013). Andi Super is unlike other CEOs in that regard. He is something special. He is an practitioner of the black arts and is the instrument through which he performs his craft.

Next week you will learn of the legacy of Andi Super’s magic trick on FilmBook.

Until then, two questions:

  • What do you think of Andrew Super’s magic trick? Is it one you would ever perform on a potential business partner?

Leave your thoughts on these two questions in the comment section below.

Previous and future segments of:’s CEO is a Magician: Beware of Falling for his Tricks:’s CEO is a Magician: Beware of Falling for his Tricks Pt1 – Introduction’s CEO is a Magician: Beware of Falling for his Tricks Pt2 – The Pledge’s CEO is a Magician: Beware of Falling for his Tricks Pt3 – The Turn’s CEO is a Magician: Beware of Falling for his Tricks Pt4 – The Prestige’s CEO is a Magician: Beware of Falling for his Tricks Pt5 – The Trick’s Legacy

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