Robocop 4

Hasn’t this horse been beaten to death already. The public has already endured two lackluster sequels and a watered-down television series. Maybe Metro-Goldwin-Mayer Studios Inc. (MGM) sat down, watched Robocop: Prime Directives and thought: hmmm, there still is some good story that could be told about Alex Murphy if done right. If that’s the case, great, but it looks like MGM is simply trying to continue their franchise. Whatever their decision, Robocop 4 will never be as raw as the original or as satiric.

The only subsequent Robocop property that succeeded at that was Robocop: Prime Directives. It had a huge story arc, blood, humor and a great ending. Now that there definitely will be a Robocop 4 in the near future, who do you think should direct and who should star? Since he proved himself with Directives, I’m going to say Julian Grant, Paul Verhoeven, Ridley Scott, Darren Aronofsky, Peter Berg and David Fincher would be good choices as director. If its ever announced that Robocop 4 will be PG-13, you will see no further reports on the film on this website.

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