SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR (2014) Movie Images: Rourke, Alba, Levitt

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Sin City A Dame to Kill For Images. Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller directed film. Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) movie pictures have been released for the upcoming sequel. The Sin City: A Dame to Kill For photographs feature Johnny (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Marv (Mickey Rourke), and Nancy (Jessica Alba).

The Sin City: A Dame to Kill For movie images:

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Mickey Rourke Sin City: A Dame to Kill For


Jessica Alba Sin City A Dame to Kill For

On the new plotlines introduced into Sin City: A Dame to Kill For:

Nancy’s storyline:

“You see a little girl in that first film. By the end of this, she’s the avenging angel,” says Rodriguez. And though she’s still dancing at Kadie’s, you’d do well not to dismiss her as “just” a stripper. “She is sick of being treated — as she puts it — ‘as a piece of ass,’” explains Miller.

Nancy’s arc is one of two original stories written specifically by Miller for the movie. The other is “The Long Bad Night,” which follows Gordon-Levitt’s cocky gambler character as he makes the mistake of “beat[ing] the wrong guy at poker.” As the title suggests, what ensues is a terrible evening for poor Johnny.

On the original plotlines from the Frank Miller books:

The other two plot threads come straight from the books. “A Dame to Kill For” has Dwight (Josh Brolin) getting caught up with his manipulative ex (Eva Green), while “Just Another Saturday Night” follows Marv as he tries to reconstruct the events of the previous evening.

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For also stars Juno Temple, Lady Gaga, Eva Green, Christopher Meloni, Crystal McCahill, Alexa Vega, Jamie Chung, Jaime King, Rosario Dawson, Dennis HaysbertMarton Csokas, Jeremy PivenRay LiottaBruce Willis, and Michael Madsen.

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 Source: EW, Slashfilm

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