SKINNY DIP (2011) Movie Poster: Frankie Latina, Danny Trejo

Skinny Dip Movie Poster, 02

The Skinny Dip Movie Poster has premiered. Frankie Latina‘s Skinny Dip (2011) movie poster is classic grindhouse marketing in all its glory complete with a hilarious and over-the-top tagline: “They took her bikini. They took her virginity. She took her revenge!Skinny Dip is listed at IMDb as currently starring only Danny Trejo and Sasha Grey. It seems the female role might at one time have gone to Michelle Rodriguez, who starred with Danny Trejo in Machete, but since Sasha is more age appropriate for the part, it seems it went to her. Skinny Dip is currently in production. Look at the Skinny Dip movie poster below and leave your thoughts on it.


Skinny Dip Movie Poster

Source: Quiethearth

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