STAKE LAND (2010) Movie Trailer, Poster: Jim Mickle, Nick Damici

Stake Land, Vampire bite, Blood

The Stake Land Movie Trailer and Movie Poster have premiered. Jim Mickle‘s Stake Land (2010) stars Nick Damici, Danielle Harris, Connor Paolo, Kelly McGillis, and Michael Cerveris. Stake Land’s plot synopsis: “America is a lost nation. When an epidemic of vampirism strikes, humans find themselves on the run from vicious, feral beasts. Cities are tombs and survivors cling together in rural pockets, fearful of nightfall. When his family is slaughtered, young Martin (Gossip Girl’s Connor Paolo) is taken under the wing of a grizzled, wayward hunter (In the Cut’s Nick Damici) whose new prey are the undead. Simply known as Mister, the vampire stalker takes Martin on a journey through the locked-down towns of America’s heartland, searching for a better place while taking down any bloodsuckers that cross their path. Along the way they recruit fellow travellers, including a nun (Kelly McGillis) who is caught in a crisis of faith when her followers turn into ravenous beasts. This ragtag family unit cautiously moves north, avoiding major thoroughfares that have been seized by The Brethren, a fundamentalist militia headed by Jebedia Loven (Tony award-winning actor Michael Cerveris) that interprets the plague as the Lord’s work.”

So instead of zombies in an ELE (Extinction Level Event) a la ZombielandDawn of the Dead, and The Walking Dead, we have vampires (I Am Legend). Cool. This horror film looks to be pretty high on the intensity, which is a very good thing. We reported previously on Stake Land in this post: Stake Land (2010) Teaser Trailer.

Stake Land also stars Bonnie Dennison, Sean Nelson, Chance Kelly, Adam Scarimbolo, Marianne Hagan, Traci Hovel, Jean Brassard, and Eilis Cahill.

Watch the Stake Land movie trailer below and leave your thoughts on it. Click the Stake Land movie poster to enlarge. Stake Land opens in theaters in the UK on June 17, 2011. No word yet on its US release date.

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Stake Land Movie Poster

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