STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH: Season 2, Episode 11: Metamorphosis TV Show Trailer [Disney+]

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch Metamorphosis Trailer

Disney+‘s Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 2, Episode 11: Metamorphosis TV show trailer has been released.

Cast and crew

Star Wars: The Bad Batch stars Dee Bradley Baker, Ming-Na Wen, Noshir Dalal, Andrew Kishino, and Stephen Stanton.

“Star Wars: The Bad Batch” is executive produced by Dave Filoni (“The Mandalorian,” “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”), Athena Portillo (“Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” “Star Wars Rebels”), Brad Rau (“Star Wars Rebels,” “Star Wars Resistance”), Jennifer Corbett (“Star Wars Resistance,” “NCIS”) and Carrie Beck (“The Mandalorian,” “Star Wars Rebels”) with Josh Rimes (“Star Wars Resistance,” “Star Wars: Visions”) and Alex Spotswood (“Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” “Star Wars Rebels”) as producers. Rau is also serving as supervising director with Corbett as head writer and Matt Michnovetz as story editor.

Season Plot Synopsis

Star Wars: The Bad Batch‘s season plot synopsis: “When the new season opens, months have passed since the events on Kamino, and the Bad Batch continue their journey navigating the Empire after the fall of the Republic. They will cross paths with friends and foes, both new and familiar, as they take on a variety of thrilling mercenary missions that will take them to unexpected and dangerous new places.”

Series Plot Synopsis

Star Wars: The Bad Batch‘s series plot synopsis: “STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH follows the elite and experimental clones of the Bad Batch (first introduced in THE CLONE WARS) as they find their way in a rapidly changing galaxy in the immediate aftermath of the Clone War. Members of Bad Batch — a unique squad of clones who vary genetically from their brothers in the Clone Army — each possess a singular exceptional skill that makes them extraordinarily effective soldiers and a formidable crew.”

More on The Bad Batch:

Clone Force 99—informally known as “The Bad Batch”—was a clone commando squad consisting of four clone troopers with personality quirks that only slightly resemble normal clones—the result of specially designed genetic experimentation. Their names were “Crosshair,” a scout sniper specialist with brilliant eyesight abilities; “Wrecker,” a reckless heavy ordnance specialist with enhanced muscular form; “Tech,” a security specialist with enhanced mental capacity and intelligence; and squad leader Clone Sergeant “Hunter,” a CQC specialist with enhanced sensory abilities. The squad had maintained an impressive 100% mission completion ratio, but were notorious for their insubordination and considered themselves superior to other special operations units.

The squad was introduced in their self-titled story arc of the seventh season of The Clone Wars animated series, where they came to Anaxes to assist Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Rex on their mission to investigate a source of Separatist’ victories, as well as trying to rescue Echo, the ARC Trooper who was presumed dead on Lola Sayu, now revealed to have been captured by the Techno Union and held on Skako Minor. Following the successful mission, Echo decided to join Clone Force 99.

On TV Show Trailers

“While not initially prevalent in television, TV show trailers started as a common form of advertisement in the late 2000s. They are often trailers advertising a new TV series, episode, event or marathon premiering on television. Trailers for the next episode of a TV series are often shown during or following the closing credits of the show.

A promo (a shorthand term for promotion) is a form of commercial advertising used in broadcast media, either television or radio, which promotes a program airing on a television or radio station/network to the viewing or listening audience. Promos usually appear during commercial breaks, although sometimes they appear during another program.”

The Feature TV Show Trailer

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 2, Episode 11: Metamorphosis will air on Disney+. Want up-to-the-minute notification? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Feedly, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Telegram, Mastodon, and Flipboard.

Star Wars The Bad Batch Metamorphosis Trailer


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