The First 35 Years of STAR WARS Infographic

The First 35 Years of Star Wars Infographic

The First 35 Years of Star Wars Infographic. The First 35 Years of Star Wars Infographic showcases the inspirations behind the original Star Wars film in 1936 all the way up to the August 2012, 35 year commenoration in Orlanldo, Florida. 

More on Star Wars and the franchise’s longevity:

Six live-action films and a computer-animated movie have filled theaters. An animated Star Wars TV series has been on the air for four years, with a fifth season set to debut in the fall; a live-action series, “Star Wars: Underworld,” is in preproduction. Profits from licensed merchandise have dwarfed box office revenue, and an estimated $20 billion worth of toys, clothing, prop replicas and other memorabilia have been sold since 1977.

It all began in the early 1970s, when young filmmaker George Lucas wanted to bring back “Flash Gordon,” a space hero serial from the 1930s, as a feature film. Rights to the property could not be secured, so instead, Lucas decided to make a new fantasy film in the same spirit of swashbuckling adventure.

The First 35 Years of Star Wars Infographic:

The First 35 Years of Star Wars Infographic

Source: Newsarama

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