THE FLASH: Season One Revealed to Be an Alternate Timeline [The CW]

Andrew Kreisberg Confirms First Season of The Flash to Be an Alternate Timeline. If you’ve seen the season finale of The Flash, you may have found out a shocking revelation regarding the first season of the show. It’s been revealed that The CW series was in an alternate timeline.

Thanks to the time manipulation of Tom Cavanagh’s Harrison Wells, he disrupted the timeline causing the show to exist in a parallel timeline. Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg confirmed to Entertainment Weekly that the entire first season does exist in an alternate timeline. The question now is, will we ever see the original timeline or will the show always be in the alternate one? As Eobard Thawne said in the season, he went back in time and took over Wells’ life so he can create the particle accelerator much earlier than intended and made The Flash along with the metahumans. However, his ancestor Eddie (Rick Cosnett) made a huge sacrifice causing Wells to disappear from existence, so does the timeline reset? Or do we continue with the alternate timeline? Kreisberg replied:

Part of the fun of The Flash is when you have people dabbling in sci-fi physics, they’re significantly altering the world. We established in the finale that the entire series of The Flash is, in itself, an alternate timeline that’s been skewed from the real one. Wells setting off the accelerator created all the metahumans, and the results of the singularity will also have long-term effects.

Kreisberg added that we haven’t seen the last of Cavanagh and Matt Lestcher as Wells and Eobard as they will return in future episodes. So will Wells be the actual one or the evil Reverse-Flash? We won’t know until the second season begins.

What do you guys think about the direction of the show next season?

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