THE HOBBIT: Peter Jackson Directing the Greenlit Film


Peter Jackson is officially directing The Hobbit (2012) and the film has finally been given the go ahead. “In the agreement completed this week, Jackson’s deal was finalized and MGM and Warner Brothers agreed to give the project its long-awaited greenlight.” The Hobbit has been in limbo for a long time and its been a long road to this point: Money problems with MGM, Guillermo Del Toro leaving (written about here: The Hobbit: Guillermo del Toro is no longer Directing), union disagreements, studio fires, etc. Peter Jackson had this to say: “Exploring Tolkien’s Middle-earth goes way beyond a normal film-making experience,” Jackson says in the release. “It’s an all-immersive journey into a very special place of imagination, beauty and drama.” Now the everyone has gotten their ducks in order as they see the cash cow  waiting to be milked, its milk beginning to curdle in its sack. “Warner Brothers’ New Line Cinema unit and MGM have worked out their deal to finance the pair of films to be based on J. R. R. Tolkien’s novel.” The two back-to-back films “should begin filming in February 2011.” Regarding the first The Hobbit film: “30 million has already been spent on the project.” With the union disagreement in New Zealand, I doubt The Hobbit: Part 1 or The Hobbit: Part 2 will be filmed  there. “The budget for the two films is estimated at $400 million, with the first film set for a February date for production, with a target to hit theaters December 19, 2012, and the second arriving sometime in 2013.” The casting for the film can begin though, especially if they want to hit that start date. I hope there are no conflicts with Ian McKellen and Hugo Weaving returning to reprise their roles.  Are you excited about this news? Who would you like to see in The Hobbit?

Source: Hotmommagossip, Geektyrant, Liveforfilm

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