The Host remake will be produced by Gore

The Host, one of the best monster movies I have ever seen, directed Bong Joon-ho, is being remade by commercial film director Fredrik Bond based on a script by Mark Poirier. The remake is being produced by Gore Verbinski of Pirates of the Caribbean fame. I think remaking The Host is a bad idea, as bad as the idea of remaking Let the Right One In. Alex Billington over at Firstshowing summed it up best: “Its effects were great, the story was fantastic, the acting was phenomenal, so there really is no need for a remake!” The originals’ director Bong Joon-ho, has a more enlightened view of the situation: “‘Maybe three or four years down the line, if The Host [remake] comes out, and there’s a cool director who takes it on and makes it a real great film, then I’d be very happy,’ Bong said in an interview, through a translator. ‘On the other hand, if it’s just crap, I think I’d be happy, too, because then people would be like, ‘Oh, yeah, Bong’s original was really good.’ So, for me, it’s a win-win situation. But Universal has a tradition of doing horror and creature films, so I anticipate that they will do a great film.”

Since Joon-ho is taking the remake of The Host with such levity, fans of his film, including myself, should do the same. As Joon-ho says, you can always fall back to his original.

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