The Human Centipede (First Sequence) Diagrams

The Human Centipede (First Sequence) Diagrams have been released. Director Tom Six, for his potential cast members’ edification, produced diagrams of the human centipede to be featured in the film. They are not graphic but visually very descriptive. Some were featured in The Human Centipede Movie Trailer. “For the roles of Lindsay (Ashley C. Williams) and Jenny (Ashlynn Yennie), the two young Americans who are captured by Dr. Heiter so that he can fulfill his madman dreams, the director found a little more resistance when he arrived in New York to do casting. ‘When we went to New York to cast those roles of the girls, I brought with me the sketches of what the human centipede looked like, and it was a very decisive experience for the actresses,’ explained Six. ‘Most of the women immediately freaked out at the idea and didn’t even audition for us. The smart ones stayed because they saw the opportunity in front of them to try something completely different. We needed to find beautiful girls who weren’t afraid to get ugly for us, and both Ashley and Ashlynn pulled it off better than I could have imagined. They worked hard for those parts, both physically and emotionally. They weren’t easy roles,’ Six added. Check the diagrams below and leave your thoughts on them. Are you still looking forward to The Human Centipede?

Source: DreadCentral

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