Top 10 Most Pirated Movies, TV Shows of 2012: TAKEN 2, GAME OF THRONES

Emilia Clarke Nonso Anozie Game of Thrones The Old Gods and the New

Taken 2, Game of Thrones are among the Top 10 Most Pirated Movies, TV Shows of 2012. The honor of being one of the Top 10 Most Pirated Movies or TV Shows of 2012 is extremely dubious.The movie studios and TV networks are losing money on each and every film and TV program on this list (plus all the ones not on the list). Why? That is one more person who is not buying a movie ticket or paying for a premium TV channel.

Regarding the top ten pirated TV shows of 2012:

Game of Thrones comes out on top this year, followed by last year’s number one Dexter. Episodes of both shows are shared among millions of people, with airing delays and limited legal download options among the key reasons to pirate.

With 4,280,000 downloads for a single episode, Game of Thrones has the honor of becoming the most pirated TV-show of 2012.

Over the years the number of TV-show downloads on BitTorrent has leveled off a bit, but this year we saw a small increase again.

The majority of TV-show piracy, more than 80 percent, occurs outside the US and lacking availability is the top reason why people turn to BitTorrent.

For chart leader Game of Thrones this is no different. Airing delays and HBO’s choice not to make it widely available online are two of the top reasons why so many people pirated the show.

The top ten pirated TV shows of 2012:

Top Ten Most Pirated TV Shows 2012 Chart

The top ten pirated movies of 2012:


Top Ten Most Pirated Movies 2012 Chart

Source: Torrentfreak

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