TUB (2010) Short Film: Bobby Miller, Eric Levy

Eric Levy, Tub 2010

Tub Short FilmBobby Miller‘s Tub (2010) short film stars Eric Levy, Megan Raye Manzi, Dwayne Wilson, and Cheryl Gross. Tub‘s plot synopsis: its about “a guy who can’t commit to his girlfriend… Who then jerks off in the shower. And accidentally impregnates his tub.”

Once I read the synopsis, I had to watch Tub. I think I actually said out loud: “What?” What happens in the Tub short film is hilarious, I do not want to give it away.

More on Tub‘s premise:

I probably came up with it while I was masturbating in the shower. Actually, I think the germ of it came from my undergrad freshman roommate. He was goofing on someone and said, “You jerk off in the shower so much, you probably have babies living in the sewer!” I’m assuming the comment stuck in my brain somehow, because I didn’t write TUB until several years later at Columbia University. I love practical effects and I had wanted to do something with a puppet and animatronics for years. I was in my last year of film school and tried to make it for three years. But, it was a really weird one and I couldn’t get grant money, so I just took out another loan and hoped for the best.

Watch the Tub short film below and leave your thoughts on it in the comments section. For more short films, check out our Short Film Page.

Source: Slashfilm

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