TV Review: V (2009): Season 1, Ep.3: A Bright New Day


V (2009): Season 1, Ep.3: A Bright New Day proves show execs are in too big of a rush to get things going on V (2009). The V’s are granted visas after a few months? Are you kidding me? It was such nonsense that the main character, Erica Evans (Elizabeth Mitchell), commented on its lunacy in the opening of this episode. Its a post 9/11 world and this turn of events is ludicrous, even for the world that exists on this television show. People that jump the boarder from Mexico to the United States are not granted visas and non-humans are? Earth does not even know the dynamics of the V’s, their physiology, what diseases they might carry that are benign to the V’s but could be fatal to humans. The V’s should have been in quarantine for years and not allowed human connect until millions of tests had been conducted. On this show, none of this realism is even approached. It was dealt with on The 4400 television show but not on V (2009).

Erica is starting a Resistance against the Vs, sneaks into a secret V surveillance room, has her cell phone on her, takes no pictures of the room, its contents or makes a video recording on the phone. BS!  The first evidence she has that the V’s are up to something, hiding their advanced technology, and she takes no documentation of any kind.

Father Jack Landry (Joel Gretsch) knows the V’s are monitoring the phones because of what happened in the first episode and makes a open communication on the phone to Erica about Resistance business. I could nitpick the scene more but what is the point. Whoever wrote this scene did  not nitpick it.

Why don’t the Vs speak their own language to each when they are alone with each other? Whenever people that speak English as a second language are in a room alone together, they usually revert to their native language. You see that in real life and in countless television shows and films yet on V (2009) they do not. WTF. This was a flaw of the original series as well.

Why does Lisa (Laura Vandervoort) call Anna (Morena Baccarin) mom at the end of the episode? Wouldn’t V’s concepts of children be different since they are lizards and are most-likely hatched and not born like humans are?

With all the script issues working against it, the casting of the lead females was pretty inspired. This episode had its first underwear scene, very funny and cool coterminous. Loved Erica walking in on the Lisa.

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