TV Review: Caprica: Season 1, Ep.2: Rebirth

Caprica: Season 1, Ep.2: Rebirth tried to answer some of the logic holes from Caprica: Season 1, Ep.1: Pilot (why Daniel Graystone (Eric Stoltz) did not make a back-up of Zoey (Alessandra Torresani)’s avatar before playing with it) and introduced some very cool plot points: half the scenes with the first Cyclon are represented by Zoey Graystone’s avatar. Very clever and entertaining to watch, especially when she has to restrain her reactions when she is around people. I thought Dr. Graystone would figure it out but I guess not, not yet.

That title sequence needs a lot of work. Its not terrible but its weird and weak. I was expecting something more high-tech not something so despressing and somber.

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