TV Review: FEAR THE WALKING DEAD: Season 2, Episode 10: Do Not Disturb [AMC]

Lorenzo James Henrie Fear the Walking Dead Do Not Disturb

AMC’s Fear The Walking Dead Do Not Disturb TV Show Review. Fear the Walking Dead, Season 2, Episode 10: ‘Do Not Disturb,’ was… well, disturbing. More characters were introduced, for what should have been key holding positions (literally, in one case); but they wound up merely serving as enablers – promoting the virtue/ vices of central characters. What’s disturbing, then, is that the show now seems set on making every major happening – regardless of whomever it actually involves – centered on the core cast members – regardless of how little they deserve it.

The episode opened with a flashback, to when the hotel was the scene of more frivolous mass gatherings. When wedding jitters gave way to wedding critters, however, we got a pretty clear introduction to new key player, Elena (Karen Bethzabe).

Elena wasn’t the only new player on the field. ‘Do Not Disturb’ reintroduced Travis & Chris (Cliff Curtis, Lorenzo James Henrie), still attempting to make Travis’ killer coddling into a bonding experience, even as Chris kept harping on his dad’s festering foot. Well, after a supply run run-in – that was somewhere between noble & dickish – Chris drew the attention of some questionable types. Careless use of fire, at night, drew those types directly to them.

The trio turned out to be the survivors of a party-down-south expedition, convinced, now more than ever, that they were the true invincibles. Were it not for Travis, Chris would’ve fit right in; but poor Travis, having had to force Chris out of his own arse, now had to pry him out of the orbit of three guys who first thought the Walkers were just wasted revelers. It didn’t help that they openly appreciated Chris’ killer aggression.

Anyone else found it odd that neither Travis nor Chris mentioned the others, for most of the episode? It’s likely they wouldn’t have been mentioned at all, had Chris not figured them the only reason his dad would pass on an offer to road with the Wasted Wasters.

Well, the others were doing as fine as usual. Y’know – their particular brand of fine as usual. I’m not sure where Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) picked up the butterfly knife proficiency; but she didn’t catch on to the hand-work coolness factor being a bit on the noisy side. Beyond that, there was some actual badassery on display (the ponytail means business) – her initial solo search, for an inexplicably missing Ofelia, bringing her to post-apocalypse Elena.

With missing/ cornered loved ones in common, they paired up; but it seemed more to Elena’s benefit. Besides not showing the same level of grit as Alicia, Elena seemed all too eager to confess her introductory act.

For one brief moment, I almost thought I recognized their dynamic from another show Alycia was once on. Something about someone else making a genocidal call, and Alycia’s character swearing to protect her from the haters – but maybe I just need to blink more… or do something about the deranged techno-taxidermist, that’s been forcing me to watch endless film & TV programming….

In any case, their pairing did prove mutually beneficial (even if Elena allowing them to be followed into the hotel bowels made her the weaker link); while Chris proved over qualified to Lord over the new Flies. When the cost of poultry took the trio down to a pair, Chris didn’t hesitate to settle accounts (while the pair did, for some reason).

From the look on their respective faces, it wasn’t clear whether Chris got that Travis finally got the memo on his boy. There may be some serious sticker shock, ahead.

At this point, it seems like the Walker World brats are being groomed for larger roles, down the road. Nick as the ultimate survivor, Alicia as the ultimate warrior, and Chris as the ultimate Warlord. I have no idea where this current trend leaves Ofelia (except as maybe a prize, for one or more of the aforementioned to vie over). That would be as acceptable an outcome as any, I guess; but it really doesn’t improve Chris’ prospects. The kid’s the new Shane, and I neither see, nor expect any redemption in sight.

I don’t care if you do find my lack of faith disturbing.

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