TV Review: THE FLASH: Season 3, Episode 4: The New Rogues [The CW]

Grey Damon Ashley Rickards The New Rogues The Flash

The Flash: The New Rogues Review

The Flash: Season 3, Episode 4: The New Rogues brought in some new villains to capitalize on having more classic Flash villains from the Rogues library. The only concern with this show is that they never have supervillains like Captain Cold or Heatwave become major villains throughout the season and instead, have them be more of a villain-of-the-week. Despite bringing in Mirror Master (Grey Damon) and Top (Ashley Rickards) as this week’s villainous duo, it did nothing to change how Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) would deal with villains like them.

With the introduction of Mirror Master and Top, they were pretty much a Central City version of Bonnie and Clyde. They did have some nice retro-style costumes to go with their personalities. These two did bring something new to the table in regards to the supervillains and their wardrobes. But as stylish as they are and seeing their powers in action, Mirror Master and Top weren’t fully developed in the episode. They had no real motives besides being thieves and going after Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller) and his group for double-crossing them years ago. It was nice to have Captain Cold back for a bit as he is still very much part of the Arrowverse.

All that these villains served was as a training exercise for Jesse Quick (Violett Beane). It was really fun seeing Jesse fighting crime together with Flash. Her costume is eerily similar to Barry’s, which is fine but the domino mask was a little on the nose. It would’ve been nice if Jesse also sported a mask like Barry or Wally. Violett Beane did really well in portraying both Jesse and her superhero alter ego. Seeing her struggle to learn about being not just quick on her feet but also to anticipate an opponent’s next move became a pretty solid character arc. Even seeing her romance with Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) was nice. It was too bad that it was cut short as both her and Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) had to head back to Earth-2, but we’re pretty sure we haven’t seen the last of them yet.

Speaking of Wells, we did get to have a bit of fun with Tom Cavanagh as the team was in search for a replacement. It was funny to see all these different versions of him as Cavanagh got to branch out his skills as an actor for a bit. It was good to see that the characters acknowledged that the team wouldn’t be the same without Wells. It would be hard to have the show get rid of Wells from the team. To prevent that from happening, the writers cleverly found a way to keep him around. With the team choosing a new Wells, it will be interesting to see how that dynamic works out. Both versions of Wells were similar yet the both had some dark sides to them. It makes us wonder if this hipster version is the same.

The episode also pushed forward with Caitlin Snow’s (Danielle Panabaker) arc this season as we got to see her use more of her powers. As she used her powers, we also get to see her slowly transforming into Killer Frost as a consequence to the Flashpoint timeline. It has us wondering why Snow would want to keep her powers hidden from everyone. Having Snow propelled into the center of the show has actually been really good for Panabaker to showcase more of what Snow can do. Things will get more interesting once we find out the reason why she’s been hiding her powers. We can already think of a few theories, but let’s see how this plays out.

Lastly, this week’s installment also went deep into what’s going on with Barry, Iris West (Candice Patton), and Joe West (Jesse L. Martin) as Barry and Iris have now started dating. What ended up was a hilariously awkward situation between these three. It was weird that Barry and Iris acknowledged that their relationship has gone from adopted siblings to being a couple. Even Joe was a little flustered by that dynamic changing into something else. It was fun to see Jesse act as the father who can’t get past the fact that these two people that he raised are now dating each other.

However, it does make us question whether this romance will last long. It’s possible that Barry and Iris may soon end up getting married someday, so the show probably won’t risk turning this relationship into a bad one. The only concern is that the new timeline didn’t even leave anything changed for Iris. Perhaps the season will find another way of pushing Iris and challenging her relationships.

‘The New Rogues’ wasn’t an episode that used their villains well. Mirror Master and Top could’ve been developed more for the show and instead, ended up being forgettable characters that didn’t need to be introduced in the first place. However, the episode had lots to show for it, including a great story arc for Jesse and bringing in a new Harrison Wells into the mix. Even Barry’s romantic troubles were highly entertaining to say the least. So, there was still plenty to love on this episode despite its flaws.

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