TV Review: FRINGE: Season 4, Episode 19: Letters of Transit

Georgina Haig Fringe

Fringe Season 4 Episode 19 Letters of Transit Review. Fringe: Season 4, Episode 19: Letters of Transit is almost a singular episode in that it has its own special Blade Runner beginning, title sequence, and is separate from the chronology of the other episodes.

I do not know where this show is going and I am not into it like I was (because the plot is all over the place now and is  ludicrous) but it continue to entertain.

In Letters of Transit, this show smartly refers back to the story lines in its first seasons.

Dr. Walter Bishop (John Noble) is crazier than he normally is because of brain damage, which I didn’t think was possible.

In the train stain, when Walter says “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for” then turns his head sideways, attempting a serious looking, Jedi mind trick, the viewer wants to laugh out loud.

Then Dr. Bishop says: “Move along”, with that same look on his face. This small segment reminds the viewer of some of the quirky, pop culture references spoken by the youngest member of the Warehouse 13 team.

The Neo Observer Captain Witmark (Kis Yurij) in FBI Agent Phillip Broyles (Lance Reddick)’ office had an errieness about him that was fantastic. The Observer’s comment: ” I like animals” as the reason he was sent to oversee “the natives” in that city was the icing on the cake.

I was glad the old Walter, the one with his whole brain intact, was finally brought back. He has only appeared on the show a few times. Seeing him talk down to future Fringe team member Simon Foster (Henry Ian Cusick) and ruthlessly a.) use antimatter and b.) cut off William Bell (Leonard Nimoy)’s hand were high lights of his upgraded persona.

How this future world fits into the present one on Fringe we will have to wait and see. I am guessing the remaining episodes in this season will lead up to the original Fringe team freezing themselves in amber.

This episode furthered of the revelation that the observers come from the future. There was another show that I will not mention that had this same plot point and for similar reasons but it was handled far differently and escalated to the fact. On Fringe, its just seems like another plot point, one of many swirling through the show now.

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