TV Review: GOTHAM: Season 3, Episode 11: Beware the Green-Eyed Monster [Fox]


Gotham Beware the Green-Eyed Monster Review

Fox‘s Gotham: Season 3, Episode 11: Beware the Green-Eyed Monster has a lot of people angry in its Winter season finale.

Well, it is official. Something is up with Mario Falcone (James Carpinello). At the very beginning of the episode, Mario murders the hematologist in charge of studying Alice Tetch’s blood. He does this in order to figure out a way to beat being tested for the Tetch virus.

The virus has found its mark in Mario’s insecurity over Lee (Morena Baccarin) and Jim Gordon’s (Ben McKenzie)relationship. While murdering the hematologist he envisions smashing Gordon’s face.

The cards are officially stacked between these two and Lee is the collateral damage.

But even under the control of the Tetch virus, Mario is a smart cookie. He knows the only way to breach the connection between Lee and Gordon is to get Lee to despise Gordon with every ounce of her heart.

After Mario attacks Gordon he leaves the clue of ‘Arkham’ scrawled on the side of Gordon’s hand. This leads Gordon to confront Jervis Tetch (Benedict Samuel). Gordon is able to use Tetch’s love of games to get him to inadvertently reveal that Mario is the one possessed by the virus.

But naturally, things aren’t meant to work out in Gordon’s favor. Even though he gets the GCPD to arrest Mario and test his blood, Mario has already figured out how to block the tests. Keep in mind this is all happening hours before the wedding. Perfectly timed, right?

Naturally, Gordon rushes to the church to beg Lee to stop the wedding. But Mario has already told Lee about what has transpired between him and Gordon, thickening the veil of doubt over Gordon.

After he realizes he can’t convince Lee about Mario’s plans, he plays the “I still love you card”. Which ultimately backfires.

Gordon then confronts Carmine Falcone (John Doman), who suspected something was off, agrees to bring Mario in. It is kind of upsetting that he allowed this wedding to happen if he had suspected something was afoot. But Gordon urges that he be allowed to get Mario and promises to bring him in unharmed.

Quick sidenote, how is one going to have a lavish wedding and skip out on the reception? That has to be the ridiculous part of this episode.

As Mario and Lee escape to his father oceanside hide out Mario asks Lee if there is still some part of her that cares about Gordon. It is pretty clear where things are heading when Lee admits a part of her will always care about Gordon. Nothing about this scene is going to end well.

Just as Mario is about to take a knife to Lee, Gordon busts in and shoots Mario. The would-be murder knife was thrown below onto the sea rocks before. So much for promising Falcone he would bring his son in unharmed.

Without Lee realizing she was on Death’s door this sets up a dark start for the second half of the season between Lee and Gordon. Naturally, Falcone won’t be too pleased either and this could bring him out of retirement to go full on war against the GCPD.

Speaking of war, Barbara Keen (Erin Richards) has set into motion a galactic war between Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) and Nygma (Cory Michael Smith). She reveals to Nygma that Cobblepot is possibly the one that had Isabella killed out of his feelings for Nygma. But Nygma plays the cards close to the vest. He approaches Cobblepot with the prospect of becoming business partners but words it carefully so that Cobblepot thinks he is in love with him.

Cobblepot admits too much too soon, leaving Nygma with the brutal truth of Isabella’s death. He immediately turns to Butch (Drew Powell), Tabitha (Jessica Lucas), and Barb to join forces in bringing down Cobblepot.

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