TV Review: MR. ROBOT: Season 2, Episode 10: eps2.8h1dden-pr0cess.axx [USA Network]

Jeremy Holm Rami Malek Stephanie Corneliussen Mr Robot

USA Network‘s Mr. Robot eps2.8h1dden-pr0cess.axx TV Show Review. Mr. Robot: Season 2, Episode 10: eps2.8h1dden-pr0cess.axx feels subdued compared to earlier show installments, but the events portrayed are no less significant than those in other episodes.

The tide seems to be turning for everybody at the start of the program. Phillip Price (Michael Cristofer) begs Terry Colby (Bruce Altman) to put pressure on President Obama to bail E Corp out only for him to walk out on the increasingly-desperate CEO. Darlene (Carly Chaikin) and f society are struggling to regroup after the accidental killing of Susan Jacobs (Sandrine Holt) gives Dom (Grace Gummer) and the FBI enough evidence to narrow their search and pursue them. But this is all nothing compared to what’s in store for Elliot (Rami Malek).

Much to our brave young anti-hero’s surprise – and, it must be said, discomfort – Joanna Wellick (Stephanie Corneliussen) comes out of hiding to demand that he help her locate her husband, former E Corp VP and Five/Nine co-conspirator Tyrell Wellick (Martin Wallstrom). This of course flies in face of the fact that Tyrell died when he took his own life on national television, but Joanna is adamant that Elliot assist her.

Upon taking in this staggering revelation, one would think that Mr. Robot (Christian Slater) would have something to say (or rather, something to shout) to Elliot. But the socially-minded specter is not simply silent about Joanna’s request: he disappears entirely after Elliot is confronted with what she says is the truth about her heretofore presumed late husband. Another layer appears to be pulled from the thick web of delusion and deception that is Elliot’s perspective. It’s no secret that Mr. Robot is the wild, anarchistic part of himself that he would rather not acknowledge, but why should this facet of himself not want him to know that Tyrell is still alive? What does it gain by concealing from him, or rather, what does he gain by denying it?

Speaking of denial, Dom’s boss rejects her request to keep the identity of an f society member they came across a secret. This leads to a very unfortunate turn of events, but also to another very well-crafted scene on the show’s part. Scouring through the streets of New York City for the suspect, she spots him and Darlene sitting in a small hole-in-the-wall joint. After calling for backup, she crosses the street and enters the café, leaving us to watch from afar. While sirens sound off far in the distance and the FBI agent and her two quarries silently argue, they don’t notice the two men, almost certainly Dark Army operaties, who pull up in front of the place. As one of them dismounts from the vehicle, he produces a gun and proceeds to open fire on the café. Dom manages to evade injury and returns fire on the unknown assailant before back-up arrives and dispatches him. We’re not entirely sure what to make of it, but it’s exciting and gives us just enough to go on to wait for next week’s episode, an art that Mr. Robot has perfected to a tee.

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