TV Review: Spartacus: Blood and Sand: Season 1, Episode 9: Whore

Spartacus Blood and Sand Whore Review

Episode 9 of Spartacus: Blood and Sand, entitled Whore, has a great ending on two counts: visually and dramatically. The side stories are being given more weight in the series and Lucretia (Lucy Lawless) finally gets satisfaction over Ilithyia (Viva Bianca) for all of her constant slights and condescension. Lucretia cradling Ilithyia as if she were a baby, telling her how things were going to be at the end of the episode was great writing. Every time Ilithyia kisses Lucretia, Lucretia gets a look of surprise and revulsion on her face, the same look a straight man might get in the same situation with a gay man. When the social tables are turned its Lucretia that kisses Ilithyia with so much satisfaction her face is glowing.

The result of the masked sex scene was a jawdropper. Never saw what happens at the end of the scene coming. Well done.

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