TV Review: SUPERGIRL: Season 2, Episode 14: Homecoming [The CW]

Melissa Benoist Chyler Leigh Dean Cain Homecoming Supergirl

Supergirl: Homecoming Review

The CW’s Supergirl Season 2, Episode 14: ‘Homecoming’ delivered some heavy family drama with the return of Jeremiah Danvers (Dean Cain) and caused some big changes for the Danvers. The plot quickly thickened as the hour unfolded, leaving us with a very powerful and emotionally charged dilemma.

The episode wasn’t difficult enough to know where it was heading. It was obvious that Jeremiah coming back was a little suspicious. Things didn’t sit right the last time he made an appearance, as he supposedly got in the knick of time to save both Kara (Melissa Benoist) and Mon-El (Chris Wood). It wasn’t just figuring out if Jeremiah was working with Cadmus, but it was a matter of when and how his true alliance would be revealed.

The expectedness coming off this episode actually turned out to be a good thing. There was lots of warm and genuine emotion that went into that reunion between Jeremiah and the Danvers women. Even knowing that all of this happiness was going to be short-lived made it even more tearful and heartbreaking. Supergirl always seems to show a lot of character drama for such an cheerful and positive show. Kara doesn’t seem to get a break when something good comes her way.

Jeremiah’s sudden return became the center of some amazing drama during this week’s episode. Having Jeremiah back did test the relationship between Mon-El and Kara. Mon-El ended up being the only one who found Jeremiah’s return to be a bit suspicious. J’onn Jonzz (David Harewood) on the other hand, didn’t suspect his old friend to be a traitor and ends up regretting it when he does.

After seeing this episode, Mon-El proved that he is the most complicated character on the show, which keeps us intrigued. The show handled his arc really well in this season so far. He isn’t thought of as a hero or a villain but just someone who is finding his place in this new world. Mon-El comes off as a kind guy and has certainly changed from his selfish and obnoxious ways. However, he does carry some burden of being a superhero as his way to protect others but we all know he’s doing this for Kara. After that confrontation with Jeremiah, there is still a lot we don’t know about Mon-El and his purpose on Earth. Sooner or later, Mon-El’s secret will be out and it will be interesting to see how this will affect his romance with Kara.

The sisterly relationship between Kara and Alex (Chyler Leigh) was also on the rocks this week. Kara starts to believe in Mon-El’s theory of Jeremiah working with Cadmus, which Alex refuses to believe. The very foundation of the show is the sisterly bond between them, so having a villain that can tear them apart is somebody worth seeking out. Jeremiah fits into that role for this season. His arrival has certainly divided the DEO is ways we never would’ve imagined if it were any other villain they faced.

The way the episode ended with the two sides facing off felt a little bland after Cadmus revealed their ultimate plan, which seemed like it came straight out of a villain handbook. The action sequences in the beginning of the episode were great, but the one with Supergirl trying to save a train didn’t offer a stronger impact. However, the showdown between father and daughter was very powerful and dramatic to watch. Chyler Leigh and Dean Cain play off each other in that scene really well, showing us that Jeremiah still has a heart after all he’s done. He shares that same sentiment with Mon-El in some ways. Even after all the damage he has caused to his family and friends, Jeremiah doesn’t come off as a bad guy. We can see that he is struggling with his actions and the hurt he’s caused to his daughters. We don’t know if he can be forgiven at this point.

Supergirl offered some compelling character drama as well as setting up Dean Cain as a potential villain. Having Jeremiah become the villain was something that helped improve the storytelling of this show. There were some great moments with the family before it all went tumbling down with some emotional heartbreak for the team. This week’s episode ended up balancing the lighter tones of the show with it’s darkest elements. With the latest development with Cadmus and Mon-El’s storyline reaching new heights, it gives us more to look forward to on the show.

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