TWIN PEAKS (2016) Movie Poster: Welcome Back, Cooper

Twin Peaks Poster

Twin Peaks Poster Arrives. David Lynch is returning to the beloved Twin Peaks TV show, the continuation of which will air on Showtime in 2017. It has already been through a fair amount of production trouble, but the train has left the station, and this is really happening.

As a huge fan of the original show and David Lynch as a creator of unique, surreal, heightened yet ultra-realistic work, I am beyond excited to see what he comes up with. I’ve recently made a transition, whereas I’d likely be opposed to continuing the story to a perfect piece of art (which, honestly, the second season of Twin Peaks really wasn’t), I’m now able to separate the old and new. If the new show sucks, who cares? How does that change my ability to revisit the old show and enjoy it fully?

Either way, this is a great teaser poster. The reflection of the past can be seen in the dark, black nothingness of the coffee, turning into steam. I really hope Lynch can retain the tone and style of the old show, though these hopes are likely for naught. Times have changed, and a large element of the original show was the time and place it was made in. We’ll see, won’t we? For now, check out this awesome poster and be happy you can watch the original show on a rainy, lazy day. It’s a wonderful thing.

Take a look at the Twin Peaks poster and leave your thoughts on it below in the comments section. For more Twin Peaks photos, videos, and information,  visit our Twin Peaks Page, our Movie Trailer Google+ Page, our Movie Trailer Facebook Page, subscribe to us by Email, “follow” us on TwitterTumblr, Google+, or “like” us on Facebook for quick updates. Twin Peaks will be released on Showtime in 2016.

Sources: ShockTillYouDrop, IMDb

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